EMTF-7 is supported by four member RACs: The Brazos Valley, Capital Area, Central Texas and Heart of Texas Regional Advisory Councils. As of July 1, 2017 the Department of State Health Services has designated CATRAC to be the lead contracting RAC for EMTF-7.


To minimize suffering and loss of life through an agile, flexible and reliable disaster medical response system that exceeds the expectations of our stakeholders and citizens across the great State of Texas.



To expand upon our role as a critical public safety partner that delivers exceptional pre-hospital emergency medical care in a disaster environment. Alongside our state, regional and local partners, we will enhance our state’s ability to be resilient when confronted by man-made and natural disasters through superior disaster medical care for Texans. We will maintain the trust of our stakeholders through skilled coordination and collaboration across all level of government and continuing to serve as a model program for other states across the Nation.



The Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) Project was developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to create a network of regionally based, rapid response medical teams. The goal of the EMTF project is to provide a well-coordinated, rapid, professional medical response to large regional or state incidents.


When the EMTF project was developed, careful consideration for organizational development was taken. For years Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) in Texas have brought hospitals, EMS agencies and other healthcare entities together to develop regional Trauma, Stroke, Cardiac and Disaster medical plans. Multiple adjacent Regional Advisory Councils combine to form each EMTF region. Leveraging the capabilities of several RACs ensures that each EMTF is capable of providing the resources and personnel needed in times of disaster. There are 8 Emergency Medical Task Forces in Texas.