Mission, Vision & History
To facilitate coordination amongst trauma and emergency healthcare providers within TSA-O to ensure the most efficient, consistent, and expedient care of each patient, by developing and maintaining integrated quality processes in patient care, transportation, education, and prevention.
We will be the model regional trauma, disaster, and emergency healthcare system in the United States that results in the lowest risk-adjusted mortality for emergency healthcare conditions.
1989Omnibus Rural Health Care Rescue Act
Developed and executed a statewide emergency medical service (EMS) and trauma care system. This mandate included designating trauma facilities and establishing a trauma registry for system monitoring.1992Trauma System Implemented
These rules organized the state into twenty-two regions known as trauma service areas (TSAs) and authorized the creation of a regional advisory council (RAC) in each area.1993CATRAC Established
CATRAC was formed to facilitate collaboration among EMS, hospitals, first responder organizations, and other stakeholders. This collaboration aimed to address emergency health care disparities between rural and urban areas and formulate a comprehensive regional trauma system plan. Serving eleven Texas counties - Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, San Saba, Travis, and Williamson CountyOver Time
the scope of RACs has expanded beyond trauma care to include planning for stroke, cardiac events, neonatal care, maternal health, injury prevention, and emergency preparedness.