Emergency Health Systems
- Review regional process and make recommendations to accomplish DSHS RAC Assessment Criteria
- Focus on regional performance improvement for trauma, stroke, cardiac, perinatal, and emergency healthcare operations
- Provide ongoing performance assessment and improvement activities designed to optimize patient care (i.e., education, injury patterns, and specialty care).
- Create and document (as written the Emergency Healthcare Systems Plan) an organized emergency healthcare system to provide optimal care and outcomes
- To optimize patient outcomes and system efficiencies for field transport and inter-facility transfers
- Develop system performance standards through shared quality and improvement data and processes
- Enhance and maintain regional and state relationships for collaboration, updates, and advances on optimal patient care
- Advise and promote consistency and best practices
- Distribute and communicate pertinent information to other committees
- Oversee Trauma, Stroke, Cardiac, Perinatal, and Pediatric Workgroups.
CATRAC Trauma Care Mission:
- Ensure optimal care and outcomes for trauma patients in the Region through coordinated efforts among hospital and pre-hospital providers, promoting efficiency and consistency in acute injury management.
- Continually assess and improve trauma patient care through education, analysis of injury patterns, and provision of specialty care, aiming to enhance patient outcomes and system efficiencies within facilities, pre-hospital transport, and inter-facility transfers.
- Foster collaboration and communication with other committees within the RAC to advance the Region's trauma and emergency healthcare system, focusing on prevention, education, preparedness, and response to reduce disability associated with acute illness and injury.
Trauma Facilities by Designation
- Dell Children’s Medical Center
- Dell Seton Medical Center at the University of Texas
Level II (Major) Trauma Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Williamson
- St. David’s Round Rock Medical Center
- St. David’s South Austin Medical Center
Level III (Advanced) Trauma Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Hays
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Lakeway
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Marble Falls
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Round Rock
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Taylor
- Cedar Park Regional Medical Center
- CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital - San Marcos (IAP)
- Mid Coast Medical Center - Central
- Ascension Seton Edgar B. Davis Hospital
- Ascension Seton Highland Lakes Hospital
- Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin
- Ascension Seton Northwest Hospital
- Ascension Seton Southwest Hospital
- St. David's Georgetown Hospital
- St. David's Medical Center
- St. David’s North Austin Medical Center
In 2009, the CATRAC Mission: Lifeline Cardiac Care Workgroup was created with the mission to optimize the outcome of cardiovascular emergencies through multi-disciplinary collaboration within the CATRAC Region. The major focus was to decrease death and disability from ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). Early identification of a STEMI is crucial in order to minimize damage to the heart muscle. The regional STEMI plan was developed so that patients presenting with suspect cardiac events could be rapidly assessed and transported to the nearest appropriate hospital for treatment. The workgroup continues to assess the region, provide coordination, prioritization, and development of cardiac planning regionally and across the State.
For more information, please attend our CATRAC Mission: Lifeline Cardiac Care Workgroup meetings.
STEMI - Primary PCI Hospital
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Round Rock
- Baylor Scott & White - Lakeway
- Cedar Park Regional Medical Center
- CHRISTUS Santa Rosa San Marcos
- Dell Seton Medical Center at the University of Texas
- Heart Hospital of Austin
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Williamson
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Austin
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Hays
- St. David's Children's Hospital
- St. David's Medical Center
- St. David's North Austin Medical Center
- St. David's Round Rock Medical Center
- St. David's South Austin Medical Center
Chest Pain Centers
- Central Texas Medical Center
- St. David's Georgetown Hospital
- Westlake Hospital
CATRAC Stroke Care Mission: Providing leadership and guidance necessary to sustain a stroke system of care within the eleven designated counties we serve; improving the level of care provided to those persons living in or traveling through the region; and facilitating stroke awareness education to the public and healthcare providers in our region. CATRAC also strives to ensure the quality of care provided to the stroke patient is at its highest level through work and cooperation of our standing committees and work groups. The regional stroke plan also addresses triage of the stroke patient, use of air medical resources and choosing the appropriate facility for managing the patient.
Level I (Comprehensive) Stroke Facilities
- Dell Seton Medical Center at the University of Texas
- St. David’s Medical Center
Level III (Primary) Stroke Facilities (Post September 2022)
- Ascension Seton Hays
- Baylor Scott & White - Pflugerville
- Baylor Scott & White - Marble Falls
- Cedar Park Regional Medical Center
- St. David's North Austin Medical Center
- St. David's Round Rock Medical Center
Level II (Advanced) Stroke Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Austin
- Ascension Seton Medical Center – Williamson
Level IV (Acute Stroke Ready) Stroke Facilities (Prior to September 2022)
- Baylor Scott & White - Taylor
Level II (Primary) Stroke Facilities (Prior to September 2022)
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Lakeway
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Round Rock
- CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital - San Marcos
- St. David's Georgetown Hospital
- St. David's South Austin Medical Center
The CATRAC Pediatric Workgroup aims to provide high quality care for children in our region using a collaborative, coordinated, data driven approach through four main objectives:
- Promote evidence-based pediatric emergency care across the continuum
- Use regional data to drive pediatric improvement efforts
- Integrate pediatric-specific recommendations into regional every day and disaster protocols
- Work collaboratively across the region to enhance pediatric outcomes
Pediatric Facilities
- Dell Children's Medical Center
- Dell Children's Medical Center - North
- Texas Children's Hospital
- St. David's Children's Hospital
The CATRAC Perinatal Workgroup endeavors to improve the care of pregnant women and newborns in Trauma Service Area-O (TSA-O). The workgroup consists of neonatal and maternal leaders seeking to better understand community needs and encourage collaboration and coordination. As part of the new State guidelines: facilities need to have neonatal designation by Sept 1, 2018 to receive Medicaid payments for newborn care; facilities need to have maternity designation by Sept 1, 2020 to receive Medicaid payment for obstetrical care by Sept 1, 2020. A requirement of designation is “active participation” in the Perinatal Care Region, or TSA-O, and is tracked by the Neonatal/Maternal Program Manager and Neonatal/Maternal Medical Director attendance and data submission.
Neonatal Facilities by Designation
Level IV (Advanced Intensive Care) Neonatal Facilities
- Dell Children's Medical Center
- St. David's Medical Center
Level III (Intensive Care) Neonatal Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin
- St. David's Childrens' Hospital/St. David's North Austin Medical Center
Level II (Special Care Nursery) Neonatal Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center Hays
- Ascension Seton Northwest
- Ascension Seton Medical Center Williamson
- Cedar Park Regional Medical Center
- CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital - San Marcos
- St. David's Round Rock Medical Center
- St. David's South Austin Medical Center
Level I (Well Nursery) Neonatal Facilities
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Lakeway
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Marble Falls
- Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Round Rock
- St. David's Georgetown Hospital
- Texas Children's Hospital - North Austin Campus
Maternal Facilities by Designation
Level IV (Comprehensive Care) Maternal Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center - Austin
- St. David's North Austin Medical Center/St. David's Childrens' Hospital
- St. David's Medical Center
Level III (Subspecialty Care) Maternal Facilities
- Ascension Seton Northwest
- St. David's South Austin Medical Center
Level II (Specialty Care) Maternal Facilities
- Ascension Seton Medical Center Hays
- Ascension Seton Medical Center Williamson
- Baylor Scott & White Hospital - Marble Falls
- Baylor Scott & White Hospital - Lakeway
- Baylor Scott & White Hospital - Round Rock
- Cedar Park Regional Medical Center
- CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital – San Marcos
- Dell Children's Medical Center
- St. David's Georgetown
- St. David's Round Rock Medical Center
Level I (Basic Care) Maternal Facilities
- Texas Children's Hospital - North Austin Campus